Food science is the study of the chemistry, microbiology, engineering, and the sensory attributes of food. It involves creating and maintaining a safe, plentiful, and quality food supply and includes research and product development applications. Food scientists can work in academia, in government or in industry. Both Justin and I have worked in industry, specifically in product development. Food scientists often create the recipes or formulations for food you might buy in the supermarket.
Justin and I both studied food science at UC Davis where we both received Ph.Ds in food science. Justin also has a B.S. in food science and a B.S. in nutrition from the University of Minnesota, while I have a B.S. in biochemistry from UC Davis.’s a little quiz:
True or False:
1. Food science is the same as nutrition.
2. Taste-testing is part of being a food scientist.
3. Alton Brown is a food scientist.
4. A degree in food science means that you have the same culinary training as a chef.
Bonus: Name the movie where the lead character was a food scientist.
Bonus Bonus: Name the food invention he was famous for in the movie.
We’ll let you post some guesses and then put the answers in the comments!