Mmm, it's time for asparagus! This was a vegetable that I hated as a kid because it was always steamed and served with mayonnaise ( and I will not eat mayonnaise!). But, now I love asparagus when it is topped with a delicious cheese, seasoned with salt and pepper and crisped and cooked under the broiler!

You can also brush a bit of olive oil on it but we've even been skipping that when we have a really flavorful cheese. Basically, we washed it and snapped off the ends and put them close together on a foiled lined cookie sheet. I crumbled
Point Reyes Blue cheese near the tips and seasoned with Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper. We cooked them for a few minutes on the top rack of the oven near the broiler until the cheese was brown and melted and the asparagus was cooked.
If you don't like blue cheese, goat cheese or parmesan is also lovely! However, I must say this particular blue cheese was excellent with the asparagus and our favorite so far.