Justin used to travel to Brazil and bring home cachaça, a spirit from fermented sugar cane. We made our own version of a caipirinha, the Platinum Caipirinha, at this past post. This year, I read about a kiwi caipirinha in Sunset magazine and we had to try it! And this is a cocktail that can become a mocktail with one easy substitution.
You can make this with cachaça or for a non-alcoholic version, substitute 7-up or mix a bit of both for a less potent version.

Muddle in a cocktail shaker
• One lime, cut into chunks
• One kiwi, peeled and sliced- reserve a slice for garnish
• 2 tbsp sugar
• 2 oz of cachaça (or substitute part or all with 7-up)
Shake over crushed ice and pour the whole thing ice, fruit and all into a glass and garnish with a slice of kiwi.

It's lovely to look at and quite delicious with or without the alcohol.