Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blog Posts in the Making...

Thanks for checking in on the blog. I've actually been baking (the first time in 6 weeks!) and doing a few other blogworthy things but it just takes me twice as long to get it all on the blog.

Three posts that are coming soon:

1) Homemade chocolate malts. Well, coming from a family of Oakland A's fans, I usually don't root for the Giants but I'm excited to see a local team in the race. We had a game night dinner with our neighbors for game 1 and we had nachos, hot dogs, and sundae cups (in photo above). There's something tasty about eating ice cream with a stick. Yum! Our neighbors were looking for the Carnation malts but couldn't find them. So, I am going to make some and if they work out...will post!

2) Strawberry Honey Pies. I made these last week and they were fun. This post is coming very soon.

3) Petite hot chocolate. Because I don't drink coffee, I'm in search of another morning ritual now that I am on maternity leave at home. I think this mini hot chocolate might be just the trick as I am finding myself unable to drink a whole mug-ful.

Thanks for being patient!