Sunday, January 31, 2010

What exactly did we do at Food Blogger Camp?

(photo credit: Jaden Hair)

We've been back a few weeks now since food blogger camp and we realize we never really said exactly what we did there or who else we met!

(photo credit: Sarah Olson)

So, first of all we met some amazing and well-known bloggers who taught sessions in:

• food photography (Matt Armendariz from Matt Bites)
• food styling (Adam Pearson)
• making your blog more valuable to more people (Michael and Donna Rulman)
• from blog to book (Jaden Hair from Steamy Kitchen and David Leibovitz)
• food blog best practices (Elise Bauer from Simply Recipes)
• food writing with the senses (Dianne Jacob)
• building a better blog with multimedia (Diane Cu and Todd Porter from White on Rice)

For the details of each session, Diane and Todd wrote three great, in-depth posts:
writing, food styling, and photography
photography, getting a cookbook deal and the Zihuatanejo marketplace
final video and recap

And we met other bloggers who wanted to learn more about blogging. Just like camp, we ate most of our meals together. (From left to right, Fran from Frantastic Food, Sarah from A Beach Home Companion, Casey from Good.Food.Stories and Cecilie from Lekkermunn.)

In addition to the technical details of blogging, we spent a day in the markets in Zihuatanejo checking out the fresh fruits and vegetables and meats.

We stopped at Fonda Irma, one of many ready-to-eat food stands in the market, and tasted specialties like chile relleno, chicken molé (above) and goat soup. The food was incredibly authentic and delicious!

And by the end of the camp, we all felt like we shared a unique week together at a time when the food blog community is growing together. (From left to right, Brooke from FoodWoolf, Dianne Jacobs, Diana from DianasaurDishes and Casey from Good.Food.Stories.)

Most importantly, Justin and I felt inspired to learn even more, to practice what we learned in this week and to grow our new connections with other food bloggers.

Justin and I are looking forward to putting our learnings into action! We thank you for reading our blog and looking forward to sharing new things!

For even more posts on Food Blogger Camp, here's a list of everyone's posts: